AA Preferred Dealers
AA preferred dealers are businesses that have committed to a code of practice developed by the AA. The code of practice is approved by Chartered Trading Standards Institute under the Consumer Codes Approval Scheme (CCAS), and provides customers with additional reassurance about their purchase. Dealers who sign up to the code will be able to display the AA Approved Dealer branding on their forecourt and website.
Buckley Trade Centre is one such AA Preferred Dealer and offers an impressive selection of used cars from mainstream manufacturers to prestige brands. The dealership, based in Mold, prides itself on its low profit margins and offers the best value deals for all buyers. It also supports the AA’s Dealer Promise, where customers can expect a comprehensive independent inspection by a qualified AA inspector and breakdown cover with every car sold.
All AA approved vehicles at Keppler Motors go through an extensive 43-point mechanical check which focuses on both performance and safety aspects of the car. This provides the customer with a clear understanding of what their car is actually worth and gives them a confidence in knowing that the vehicle they are buying has been fully inspected by the AA.
The AA’s new AA Approved Dealers network includes 26 high quality, licensed Motor Vehicle Traders across the UK who have been through a thorough review and selection process. Each AA Appraised used car will have the AA Approved Dealer sticker prominently displayed on its windscreen. This is the AA’s guarantee that the vehicle you are purchasing has been through our rigourous series of checks and that you will receive the level of service you have come to expect from the AA. AA preferred dealers